Monday, November 19, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Well between work, soccer, and programming in my spare time, I haven't updated this in a while. So what's the latest scoop in VCF land? Well while the release isn't yet ready (yes I know, it's been a ridiculously long time between releases, but between personnel changes, and volunteer work on Zod's campaign...), there are some pretty cool things in the pipeline.

Most of the newly added threading code, such as thread methods/functions, thread pools, and the revamped Delegate classes have been added and incorporated into the rest of the VCF kits. We have added support for regular expressions, java script, and network classes back into the trunk (these were in the bluesky directory).

Coming next is advanced support for XML. Not just simple parsing anymore, as we already have that right now, but full blown support for XML including XPath and XSLT. Support for a TextReader interface is also present, as well as getting the full XML document tree. You can also use delegates to handle parsing notification ala SAX2. This is all based on the libxml and lilbxslt libraries from Here are some quick and dirty examples:

SAX2 parsing notification:

void MystartElementSAXFunc2( const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar ** atts)
printf( "@MystartElementSAXFunc2 name: %s\n", (const char*) name );

if ( NULL != atts ) {
const xmlChar** tmp = atts;
while ( *tmp != 0 ) {
printf( "attr: %s\n", (const char*)*tmp );
tmp ++;

#define testxml "<stuff a=\"1\" b=\"23\">"\

int main( int argc, char** argv ){

FoundationKit::init( argc, argv );
XMLKit::init( argc, argv );

System::println( "XMLkit XML version: " + XMLKit::getXMLVersion() );
System::println( "XMLkit XSLT version: " + XMLKit::getXSLTVersion() );


XMLSaxParser p;
p.StartElement += MystartElementSAXFunc2;

p.parse( testxml );

A simple TextReader example:

int main( int argc, char** argv ){

FoundationKit::init( argc, argv );
XMLKit::init( argc, argv );
XMLTextReader rdr;
rdr.setXML( testxml );

System::println( "lang: " + rdr.getLang() );
System::println( "uri: " + rdr.getBaseURI() );
System::println( "ns: " + rdr.getNamespaceURI() );

while ( ) {
System::println( "Name: " + rdr.getName() +
" depth: " + rdr.getCurrentDepth() );
System::println( "Inner XML: { " + rdr.readInnerXml() + " }" );

While this happened the Internet kit got support for asynchronous url retrieval. Before you get get the contents of a URL, but it was blocking. Now a new class has been added so that you can get the contents in async mode. You can do things like this:

AsyncURL* url = new AsyncURL("");

And in some other thread you can wait for the url to finish:

//do something with the URL contents.
delete url;

Or you can be notified via the delegate:

void urlCompleted( URLEvent* event )
URL* url = (URL*)event->getSource();

//do something with the url contents


AsyncURL* url = new AsyncURL("");
url->DataComplete += urlCompleted;

Finally you can simply wait and block till it's done and extract the contents as a string:

AsyncURL url("");
String xml = url.getDataAsString();

You can create a xml document from the xml string:

AsyncURL url("");
String xml = url.getDataAsString();
XmlDocument doc;

You can then iterate through the child nodes:

XmlNode root = doc.getRoot();
std::vector children;
root.getChildren( children );
std::vector::iterator cit = children.begin();
while ( cit != children.end() ) {
XmlNode& child = *cit;
System::println( "Name: " + child.getName() +
", path: " + child.getPath() );

You can use XPath to perform queries:

std::vector nodes;
VariantData res = doc.matches( "/bookstore/book[1]", nodes );
System::println( "doc.matches() returned: " + res.toString() );

for (size_t i=0;i < nodes.size();i++ ) {
const XmlNode& n = nodes[i];
System::println( "Node name: " +
n.getName() + " path: " +
n.getPath() + " text: " +
n.getContent() );

The result may be a calculation:

std::vector nodes;
VariantData res = doc.matches( "sum(//price/text())", nodes );
System::println( "doc.matches() returned: " + res.toString() );

There's more as well, you can see the complete file here.

In addition to XML there's been some initial work done with creating a cryptography kit based on the OpenSSL library, providing support for most of the core sections of the library. Currently we have support for ciphers, hashes, ASN1, private/public keys, certificates (x509), base64 encoding/decoding, random numbers/data, Big Integers (what OpenSSL refers to as the BIGNUM struct), and IO. Now that those are wrapped up, I'm looking into the SSL side of things. What follows are some samples of the current code:


using namespace VCF::Crypto;

MD2 md2;
MD5 md5;
VCF::Crypto::SHA1 sha1;
VCF::Crypto::SHA sha;
DSS dss;
DSS1 dss1;
RipeMD160 rp160;
char mess1[] = "Test Message";
char mess2[] = "Hello World\n";
MessageDigest::DigestResult res =
md5.hash( (const unsigned char*)mess1, strlen(mess1) );

int i = 0;

printf("md5 Digest is (%d bytes): ", md5.size() );
for(i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
printf("%X", res[i]);

Repeated as necessary for the other hashes.

Big integers are pretty simple to use:

BigInteger bi;
bi = 1;

BigInteger bi2 = -120;
int j = bi2;

bi = 1312;
bi2 *= bi;

String bs = bi2.toString();

Generate an RSA key pair and write it to disk:

RSAKeyPair kp;
kp.generate( 2048, RSAKeyPair::expRSA_F4 );
RSAPrivateKey privk = kp.getPrivateKey();
RSAPublicKey pubk = kp.getPublicKey();

privk.setPassword( PASSWORD );

DataEncryptionStandard3CBC des3cbc;
privk.setEncryptionCipher( &des3cbc );

FileOutputStream fos("test2-priv.pem");
fos.write( &privk );

fos.close(); "test2-pub.pem" );
fos.write( &pubk );

You can read in the private key buy supplying a password:

RSAPrivateKey pk;
pk.setPassword( PASSWORD );
FileInputStream fis("test2-priv.pem"); &pk );

or by using a calback function to supply the password string:

String gimmeThePassword()
return String(PASSWORD);

RSAPrivateKey pk;
pk.PasswordPrompt += gimmeThePassword;

FileInputStream fis("test2-priv.pem"); &pk );

System::println( "RSAPrivateKey: \n" + pk );

X509 certificates can be generated

X509Certificate c;
Key k = c.generateRSA(512,0,365,2);
Key::KeyType t = k.getType();

or read in from an input stream:

FileInputStream fis("test509.cer");
PEMInputStream pis(&fis);

X509Certificate* c2 = pis.readCertificate("");
delete c2;

Obviously more work needs to be done here, but I think this is a good start. The next big thing is understanding how to make use of SSL and how to integrate that.

Finally there's been some progress on writing a ZIP input/output stream class to handle compression/decompression with ZLib. Not so much to post about on that so far.

Well at least everyone knows know I haven't completely thrown in the towel! :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

ThreadPools in the VCF

So, the threaded methods post got me thinking: if we can create methods that execute in a thread, could we have something fancier such that a delegate's invoke() can take place asynchronously (much like the .Net design of a delegate's BeginInvoke() and EndInvoke())?

Part of the desire for this is to overcome a current weakness in the VCF's delegate design. Currently we can only accept function signatures of the type:

void MyFunction( Event* e );

A new design would allow us to have arbitrary function signatures, which makes it easier to use.

The first thing I wanted to address is making delegate's work with any kind of function signature instead of just limiting people to passing in a single. My major constraint was that I wanted it to work with version 6 of the Visual C++ compiler, which, while I know it's old now, alot of people still use it (myself included), and I wanted to have a stab at making things compatible with it. With that in mind here's a stab at it:

class CallBack {
virtual ~CallBack(){}

String name;

class delegate {

~delegate() {

bool empty() const {
return functions.empty();

size_t size() const {
return functions.size();

void clear() {
std::vector<CallBack*>::iterator it = functions.begin();
while ( it != functions.end() ) {
delete *it;


void add( CallBack* callback ) {
std::vector<CallBack*>::iterator found =
std::find( functions.begin(), functions.end(), callback );

if ( found == functions.end() ) {
functions.push_back( callback );

void remove( CallBack* callback ) {
std::vector<CallBack*>::iterator found =
std::find( functions.begin(), functions.end(), callback );

if ( found != functions.end() ) {
functions.erase( found );

std::vector<CallBack*> functions;

This is a base class for our delegate, it handle adding/removing our callbacks. The callback is started be defining a base class for a callback method. It has a single member, a string with the name of the callback method (or some name). This lets us store a generic base pointer to the callbacks. The delegate holds N number of callbacks, and a callback is some specific class that wraps a function pointer of some sort. The specific class of the delegate will then invoke all of it's function callbacks.

Now what we want is the ability to specify the function signature, something like you find on other signal/slot libraries. This means we need to use templates, with definitions for each number of template arguments, i.e. a specific delegate class for function that have 2 arguments, one for no arguments, and so forth. In addition, we need to distinguish between functions that return a value, and functions that don't. Hearkening back to my ObjectPascal days, I'll refer to functions that have no return value as Procedures and functions that do have a return value as Functions. Not only do we need to distinguish between return or no return values, thanks to various quirks in C++, we also need to distinguish between whether the function pointer that we wrap is a static function

void MyFunction( int i, double d );

or a class function (a method, or member function of a class)

void MyClass::MyFunction( int i, double d );

So let's look at an attempt to define a function that 1 argument, and no return type.

template <typename ParamType1>
class NullClassType1 {
void m(ParamType1){}
void m(Thread*, ParamType1){}

<typename P1>

Procedure1 : public CallBack {
void (*FuncPtr)(P1);


Procedure1(FuncPtr funcPtr):staticFuncPtr(funcPtr){}

void invoke( P1 p1 ) {
( NULL != staticFuncPtr ) {
staticFuncPtr)( p1 );

FuncPtr staticFuncPtr;

<typename P1, typename ClassType=NullClassType1<P1> >

ClassProcedure1 : public Procedure1<P1> {
void (ClassType::*ClassFuncPtr)(P1);


ClassProcedure1(ClassType* src, ClassFuncPtr funcPtr):Procedure1<P1>(),classFuncPtr(funcPtr),funcSrc(src){}

ClassProcedure1(ClassType* src, ClassFuncPtr funcPtr, const String& s):

name = s;

void invoke( P1 p1 ) {
( NULL != classFuncPtr && NULL != funcSrc ) {
funcSrc->*classFuncPtr)( p1 );

ClassFuncPtr classFuncPtr;
ClassType* funcSrc;

The above code declares two main classes. The first works as a wrapper around procedures (or functions that return no value/void). It has one method used to invoke the function pointer the class wraps. The method is declared as virtual so that in can be overridden in a subclass.

The next class provides a wrapper around a class function, and re-implements the virtual invoke method of it's parent class. This let's us have a base pointer which can be used for either type of function pointer, and makes the delegate implementation easier to handle because now it can handle either type of function wrapper seamlessly.

So, we have functions wrapped up, lets look at our delegate class:

<typename P1>

Delagate1 : public delegate {
void (*FuncPtr)(P1);
Procedure1<P1> CallbackType;

Delagate1<P1>& operator+= ( FuncPtr rhs ) {
CallbackType* cb = new CallbackType(rhs);

add( cb );

Delagate1<P1>& operator+= ( CallBack* rhs ) {
add( rhs );


invoke( P1 p1 ) {

std::vector<CallBack*>::iterator it = functions.begin();
( it != functions.end() ) {

CallBack* cb = *it;
CallbackType* callBack = (CallbackType*)cb;

callBack->invoke( p1 );


The main features of the delegate class are that it lets us add functions in two ways: by a direct function pointer, or by as class instance of a callback. The first method let's us write code like this:

void MyCallback( int i )

printf( "Hello from MyCallback. i = %d\n", i );

Delagate1<int> d1;

d1 += MyCallback;

The other way we can add callbacks, especially callbacks that wrap a class function/method, is like so:

class Snarfy {

thisBlows( int g ) {
printf( "Hello from thisBlows! i: %d, this ptr: %p\n", g, this );

Snarfy sn;

Delagate1<int> d2;
d2 += new ClassProcedure1<int,Snarfy>(&sn,&Snarfy::thisBlows,"Snarfy::thisBlows");

Previously we wanted to have callbacks as a general class, something that we could identify by name, without having to know the specific class type. However we still need to invoke the callback methods. Because our delegate class has the same function signature template types, we can safely cast the generic callback type to the right template function class type. You can see this occur in the implementation of the delegate's invoke() method. Because we made the function class's invoke method virtual, the correct method will be called for either type, static or class function.

Now we have delegates and callbacks, that can be invoked like so:
d2.invoke( 100 );

A fancier implementation allows us to have delegates that take functions that return values, like this example:
bool funcWithReturnVal( const String& str, double d )

result = true;
printf( "duhDoIt() %s, %0.5f, returning %d\n", str.ansi_c_str(), d, result );


Delagate2R<bool,const String&,double> d3;

d3 += funcWithReturnVal;

result = d3.invoke("Hola", 120.456);

This returns the result of the last callback that was invoked in the delegate's list of callbacks. We can get all the results that were returned like so:

for ( int i=0;i<d3.results.size();i++ ) {

printf( "d2 results[%d]: %d\n", i, (int)d3.results[i] );

Now we have delegates reasonably defined, and they should work on most compilers, VC6 or better, GCC, Borland, et al. Now lets look at async delegate invocation.

To fire off the callbacks asynchronously

Next was to try and implement a specific type

Thanks to the site for C++ to HTML formatting.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Visual Form File format

XAML this, XAML that, blah, blah, blah. I get so sick of hearing about how great XAML is, as if this were the most mind altering, earth shaking technology to hit the streets in years. Bah Humbug!

We've had something like this for years in the VCF! And the predecessor to XAML dates back even further than that, to Delphi's form files, NeXT's NIB files, and so on. So, I thought I'd post what the format for a Visual Form File (VFF) looks like, in Backus-Naur format:

component-decl ::= "object" component-id component-properties
*(component-decl) [component-delegates] "end"
component-id ::= component-name component-class ["," component-classid]

component-name ::= id
id ::= ALPHA *(ALPHA | DIGIT | '_' )
component-class ::= ALPHA *(ALPHA | DIGIT | '_' | "::" )
component-classid ::= ''' 1*(ALPHA | DIGIT | '-' ) '''

component-properties ::= 1*component-property
component-property ::= property-name '=' property-value
property-name ::= id | property-object-name | property-collection-name
property-object-name ::= id '.' property-name
property-collection-name ::= id '[' property-collection-key ']'
property-collection-key ::= property-number | property-string
property-value ::= property-string | property-number |
property-component-ref | property-enum |
property-enum-mask | property-binary | property-bool

property-string ::= ''' *(ALPHA | DIGIT | 'any printable unicode char' ) '''
property-number ::= 1*DIGIT ['.' 1*(DIGIT) ]
property-component-ref ::= ('@' component-name) | "null"
property-enum ::= id
property-enum-mask ::= '[' property-enum *[',' property-enum] ']'
property-binary ::= '{' binary-data '}'
binary-data ::= 1*(binary-byte)
binary-byte ::= (DIGIT | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' )
(DIGIT | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' )
property-bool ::= "true" | "false"

component-delegates ::= "delegates" *(component-delegate-decl) "end"
component-delegate-decl ::= delegate-name '=' delegate-array
delegate-name ::= id
delegate-array ::= '[' 1*(event-handler-ref) ']'
event-handler-ref ::= component-instance '@' component-callback-method
component-instance ::= id
component-callback-method ::= component-classname "::" component-methodname
component-classname ::= id
component-methodname ::= id

A simple example:

object window1 : VCF::Window
top = 500
left = 500
width = 400
height = 300

Note that the class name must be a fully qualified C++ class name, including the namespace the class belongs to.

A more complex example might look like this:

object Form1 : Window, 'ED88C0A1-26AB-11d4-B539-00C04F0196DA'
alignment = AlignNone
anchor = 0
bottom = 555.00000 = 0.78431 = 0.81569 = 0.83137
height = 537.00000
left = 234.00000
name = 'Form1'
top = 70.00000
visible = true
width = 565.00000

object label1 : VCF::Label, 'ED88C09F-26AB-11d4-B539-00C04F0196DA'
anchor = [AnchorLeft,AnchorRight]
bottom = 100.00000
caption = 'This is a label!' = 0.50000 = 1.00000 = 0.00000
height = 45.00000
left = 20.00000
name = 'label1'
textAlignment = taTextLeft
top = 55.00000
verticalAlignment = tvaTextCenter
visible = true
width = 300.00000
wordWrap = false




This is what we use to load up components dynamically at runtime. So a form can be stored in format, and then loaded at runtime, dynamically no less (!), like so:

Window* window = Frame::createWindow( classid(VisualFormFilesWindow) );

So no one thinks we're using some new fangled version of C++, "classid" is simply a macro that gets the VCF Class instance from a given C++ class type.

When you call Frame::createWindow(), you get a new instance of your window class (called VisualFormFilesWindow), with all the controls and components as you've defined them in your VFF file! Voila!

There's more information on the VFF format here:
Visual Form File format

Something to note - in the latest version, we now support collection properties that can be specified via the RTTI macros, and can also be modified via the VFF format, for example:

object myObj : MyObjectWithItems
items[0] = 10
items[1] = 123

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Threaded Functions

Here's an interesting thought experiment for functions that get executed in a separate thread.

void doit( int i ) {
printf( "Hello from doit! i: %d\n", i );

void doit2( Thread* th, int i ) {
printf( "Hello from doit2! i: %d, th: %p, tid: 0x%04x \n", i, th, th->getThreadID() );


class Snarfy {
void thisBlows( int g ) {
printf( "Hello from thisBlows! i: %d, this ptr: %p\n", g, this );

class Swanky {
void doit( double& d, const String& s ) {
printf( "Hello from Swanky::doit! d: %0.3f, s: %s, this ptr: %p\n",
d, s.ansi_c_str(), this );

void doit2( Thread* th, double& d, const String& s ) {
printf( "Hello from Swanky::doit! d: %0.3f, s: %s, this ptr: %p\n",
d, s.ansi_c_str(), this );

for (int i=0;i<10;i++){

int main( int argc, char** argv ){

FoundationKit::init( argc, argv );

Thread* th = ThreadedProcedure1<int>(10,doit);


th = ThreadedProcedure1<int>(231,doit2);


Snarfy sn;

th = ThreadedProcedure1<int,Snarfy >(&sn,38112,&Snarfy::thisBlows);

String s = "hello";
Swanky sk;

double d = 0.0332;

th = ThreadedProcedure2< double&,const String&, Swanky >(&sk,d,s,&Swanky::doit2);

printf( "Bye!\n");

return 0;

The actual implementation gets a bit long winded, but looks something like this:

template <typename ParamType1>
class NullClassType1 {
void m(ParamType1){}
void m(Thread*, ParamType1){}

template <typename ParamType1, typename ClassType=NullClassType1<ParamType1> >
class ThreadedProcedure1: public Runnable {

typedef NullClassType1<ParamType1> NullClassType;

typedef void (*ProcPtr1)(ParamType1 p1);
typedef void (*ProcThreadPtr1)(Thread* thread, ParamType1 p1);

typedef void (ClassType::*ClassProcPtr1)( ParamType1 p1 );
typedef void (ClassType::*ClassThreadProcPtr1)( Thread* thread, ParamType1 p1 );

ThreadedProcedure1( ParamType1 p1, ProcPtr1 procPtr ): param1_(p1),

ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>* params =
new ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>(p1);

params->procPtr_ = procPtr;

runningThread_ = new Thread( params, true, true );
params->runningThread_ = runningThread_;


ThreadedProcedure1( ParamType1 p1, ProcThreadPtr1 procPtr ): param1_(p1),

ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>* params =
new ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>(p1);

params->procThreadPtr_ = procPtr;

runningThread_ = new Thread( params, true, true );
params->runningThread_ = runningThread_;


ThreadedProcedure1( ClassType* src, ParamType1 p1, ClassProcPtr1 procPtr ): param1_(p1),
instancePtr_(NULL) {

ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>* params =
new ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>(p1);

params->classProcPtr_ = procPtr;
params->instancePtr_ = src;

runningThread_ = new Thread( params, true, true );
params->runningThread_ = runningThread_;


ThreadedProcedure1( ClassType* src, ParamType1 p1, ClassThreadProcPtr1 procPtr ): param1_(p1),

ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>* params =
new ThreadedProcedure1<ParamType1,ClassType>(p1);

params->classThreadProcPtr_ = procPtr;
params->instancePtr_ = src;

runningThread_ = new Thread( params, true, true );
params->runningThread_ = runningThread_;



ThreadedProcedure1( ParamType1 p1 ): param1_(p1),

virtual bool run() {

if ( typeid(ClassType) == typeid(NullClassType) ) {
if ( NULL != procThreadPtr_ ) {
(*procThreadPtr_)( runningThread_, param1_ );
else if ( NULL != procPtr_ ) {
(*procPtr_)( param1_ );
else {
return false;
else {
if ( NULL != instancePtr_ ) {
if ( NULL != classThreadProcPtr_ ) {
(instancePtr_->*classThreadProcPtr_)( runningThread_, param1_ );
else if ( NULL != classProcPtr_ ) {
(instancePtr_->*classProcPtr_)( param1_ );
else {
return false;


return true;

virtual void stop(){}

operator Thread* () {
return runningThread_;

ParamType1 param1_;
Thread* runningThread_;
ProcPtr1 procPtr_;
ProcThreadPtr1 procThreadPtr_;
ClassProcPtr1 classProcPtr_;
ClassThreadProcPtr1 classThreadProcPtr_;
ClassType* instancePtr_;

This allows us to attach a function and execute it in a separate thread, using the various VCF thread classes, such as VCF::Thread and VCF::Runnable to implement it. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to add additional arguments. If people like this enough we'll probably put this into the FoundationKit proper.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Welcome to my madness!

So in a fit of madness I have finally succumbed to vomiting out my thoughts and casting them upon that limitless sea of inequity also know as "da Interknet"*. In the hopes that someone will find this useful (yes I realize that's doubtful, but bear with me, OK), I'll actually try and confine my remarks to the trials and tribulations of designing and implementing a cross platform C++ framework, as opposed to vapid navel gazing and wondering why my facial creams no longer make me look young anymore. I will occasionally rant, bitch, and generally whine about the current pathetic state of both software in general and the crummy tools we so often use to build it with. In addition, I reserve the right to poke merciless fun at, in no particular order, Unix, X, C++, Bjarne Stroustrup and the C++ committee, Microsoft, the GPL, Richard Stallman and his merry band of goobers at the FSF, make, .Net, and various other technologies du jour that seep out of Redmond. Those easily offended should go home and cry to Mommy, I will not be providing snotrags here.

Of course the framework itself has mostly been written at this point, and has been around for a bit over 6 and a half years now (hard to believe at this point!). So many of the posts, or at least the early ones, will be somewhat retrospective - describing what I've already done, as opposed to what I'm planing or would like to do.

Finally, I'd like to dedicate my Oscar nomination to Monica Bellucci, whose help as a, oh sorry, wrong speech...

*Quick - Ditka verus da Interknet? Ditka by tree! Nothing like a useless SNL reference to lighten the days load.